Cheap ferry Low Cost to the island of Elba

Cheap Low Cost ferry to the island of Elba

Cheap Low Cost ferry to Elba


Generally the crossing is done on trafficking Piombino/Cavo
The cable port is the one to the North of the island of Elba, the time required for the crossing is 25 minutes,  15 minutes are then required for the operations, a total of 40 minutes.


Because trafficking is shorter, you can rip the ship ticket at a lower cost, the ferry that usually runs the service for the island of Elba is the Giraglia Moby Lines company.


Keep in mind that the port of unloading is the cable, the northern tip of the island of Elba. Depending on your meta  to reach the island of Elba, it drive a longer time (about 30 minutes) that landed at the port of Portoferraio.